Can I view Military Operations on any operating system?
Yes, Military Operations (PDF format), digital layout or individual articles via the website, have been formatted for major operating systems (Mac OS, Windows, Linux).
How can I contact Military Operations?
Below is a list of email addresses that you may use to contact us. You may also use the postal address at the bottom for sending hardcopy inquires, letters, etc.
Alternatively, you may visit our contact page at:
Or you may use the following email address: info [at] theijgroup [dot] com
The IJ Infinity Group, Ltd.
Bar Kochva Street 15
Tel Aviv, Israel
Why do I need to register to access content on Military Operation’s website?
We no longer require registration as we believe that the our content should be available to all.
What is The Journal of Military Operations?
Military Operations is a peer-reviewed publication on the conduct of war (warfare). It is best to click on the button that says “About Us”, where you will find a fully detailed explanation about The Journal of Military Operations, otherwise known as “Military Operations”.
Is my personal information public or private?
If you subscribe (for free) to Military Operations, you will need a valid email address. However, Military Operations will never make your email address known to anyone. We only use it to send you occasional notifications.
Can I post the journal’s articles or editions on other websites?
No. As stated in our Disclaimer (bottom of homepage), Military Operations is solely distributed through its official website. It may not be shared through other websites as a whole or in any part. As a free publication, this is key to maintaining Military Operations. Membership, which is free, is required.
Can I republish my article in another publication?
Explicit permission by Military Operations must be granted to the author for the republication of any article, in any form. The decision for republication is solely left to the discretion of Military Operations Editors and Publisher. Each writer agrees to this upon submission of articles to Military Operations.
Is Military Operations affiliated with any institution?
No. Military Operations is a wholly private venture, a peer-reviewed journal concerning the discussion of the conduct of war that caters to all individuals interested in warfare. Military Operations is not affiliated with any government or military institution.
Who can submit an article to Military Operations?
Anyone with something useful to say on warfare can submit an article. However, like any publication, there are submission guidelines that must be followed. The guidelines can be found by clicking on the “submission guidelines” which is located on the top-left of the homepage.
You can also submit your article to Military Operations via the “submission guidelines” page.
Are articles edited and refereed?
Writers need to edit their pieces as best as they can prior to submitting. Following article submission, articles are blindly sent to referees for blind peer-review and then, if needed, edited by Military Operations’ staff. You will receive your paper in return with edits/comments before anything will be published. You must agree to the changes made before your piece is published.
What is Military Operation’s stance on issues of copyright?
As a peer-reviewed publication offered to the reader in 3 digital formats, we are breaking some new ground here. Our stance is, for the most part, the same as other journals. However, due to the manner in which we distribute the publication to readers, we have some unique issues. Subscribers of Military Operations must take the publication’s ‘Disclaimer’ and ‘Terms & Conditions’ very seriously. If you have questions regarding copyright issues, simply send an email to The IJ Group, the publishing company at info [at] theijgroup [dot] com
Why are there no forums or discussion boards on Military Operation’s website?
In our experience, as well as a result of research, we have found that online discussion boards, forums, and the like are not very effective and rarely provide guidance. Ineffectiveness and lack of guidance of course, runs counter to the ethos of Military Operations. Discussions, quite often, become politicized and even personal, which detracts from serious discourse on warfare.
While Military Operations has a very informative and user-friendly website, the whole idea behind the initiative is for us to offer you a publication that aims to inform, educate, and hopefully influence. We do allow interaction via proper Letters to the Editor or rebuttals to articles in which one may comment about any article – either to praise or criticize or both, and we hope you will take advantage of this feature.
What is Military Operation’s target audience?
People interested in or practitioners of warfare – from government officials and agencies to militaries to research institutes to academics and university students at all levels.
Can I view Military Operations on my iPhone, iPad or any other handheld device?
Military Operations can be viewed in three ways: PDF format, online digital layout or by individual articles on the website. All three have been developed to offer users the best possible experiences across desktop and handheld devices.